Thursday, February 18, 2016
CRM: A Powerful Resource That Can Hone Your Business Goals
From e-mails, telephone conversations and calendar appointments to information about purchasing habits, opinions, and preferences, there’s tons of information about your clients floating around your offices. The most effective way to harvest and centralize that information – putting you in a much better position to hone your strategy for building your business –Microsoft® Dynamics Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
What exactly is a CRM?
In a nutshell, CRMs organize and automate day-to-day business processes in marketing, sales and customer service. Business success revolves around the words “information” and “relationships;” and that’s what CRMs are all about: strengthening your relationship with your clients and centralizing all information about them. CRMs capitalize on the notion that it’s easier to sell to existing customers than find new ones.
Every day, your sales and marketing teams collect vital data about your clients. In most cases, that information is stored in spreadsheets, e-mail address books, calendars and document systems. With information being stored in so many places, organization can be next to impossible. Microsoft® Dynamics CRM centralizes all of that information so that you can get the absolute most from it.
How Will Microsoft® Dynamics CRM Help Grow My Business?
By consolidating all communications and data on your customers, you’ll be able to:
- Enhance your communication with them via e-mail, phone, social media and maps by engaging them at just the right time and in the right way
- Sell more product and services to them
- Manage sales and day-to-day activities for any of your clients without having to remember everything
- Customize workflows tailored to your business’s processes
- Anticipate with great accuracy your clients’ future purchasing needs, and
- Find other clients very similar to them and who are likely to purchase similar products.
To further discuss how your business can benefit from the organizational powerhouse that is Microsoft® Dynamics CRM, contact
C3IT today!