The traditional model of work has been transformed. There is a radical shift away from the old ways of working and this has forever changed how employees in a corporate environment function. Not only this, it is also widely recognized that front line workers too need to collaborate and be “Connect”ed through the workday, like desk based workers. They also need to be tightly integrated with the rest of the organization, with special tools to be more efficient at what they do so that the organization can ensure a consistent and high-quality Customer experience.
“Teamwork and collaboration are fundamental to build resilience for your people, teams, and organization. Empower people to be productive and secure as they adapt to new ways of working with Microsoft Teams. With the proper tools you can empower your employees to do their best work, no matter where they are.”
Keeping employees “Connect”ed, teams stitched together and ensuring a cohesive & smooth operation for an organization in the new normal has been a struggle for every enterprise, big or small. Another challenge has been compliance, since front-line workers are on location, but their managers are working from home. This throws up all kinds of challenges related to location, device, time and identity compliance;
This is where our solution, “Connect”, embedded as an App within Microsoft Teams, emerged as a messiah for forward looking businesses who saw digital transformation as the only panacea to this gargantuan challenge and an existential crisis!
CONNECT promises to transform the way employees work, collaborate, and communicate.
Process Hub enables process owners to build forms-based evidential workflows for Checklists, Audits, Data Collection, Surveys, Assessments and more. Process owner can set up recurrence schedules for tasks, set up approval workflows, assign tasks to user groups (Teams channels) or to individual users, set up reminder schedules and escalation SLAs.
Stay on the top of your schedule with recurring tasks, automatic reminders, and multiple task finders, you can directly go to the MyToDos, or simply ask integrated BOT about your task and it will redirect you to the priority task.
Managing your business through automated processes is a must for efficiency, accountability and timeliness; & this has to be augmented very effectively by a robust communication channel for everyone in the chain.
Personalized, Immersive Experience for Employees
CONNECT creates a lively and thriving community for each and every employee, giving them a personalized and immersive experience. One of the ways CONNECT does this is by allowing users to subscribe to content that piques their interest, which will be delivered to them through Teams. They can receive or demand personalized news, events, announcements, celebrations, leadership messages, articles, pictures, videos, policies, awards, polls, and more.
CONNECT Also Helps Improve Teamwork
“Connect” facilitates structured collaboration on business-critical tasks between employees across locations, both front line workers who are on their phones and white-collar workers on their PC. Make all digital assets like documents, SOPs, guidelines etc available at every point that matters, and have knowledge resources & learnings readily referenceable in order to have a well-trained and well-informed workforce who are empowered and enabled to do their best for business.
“Connect” brings all this together through the omnipresent all familiar Microsoft Teams, tightly integrated with teams and its secured channels. It is THE FUTURE OF WORK!
If this sounds interesting and you feel CONNECT can be an outstanding resource for your organization, reach out to us today and our team will help you walk through the experience during an immersive demo of the platform.
We are eagerly waiting!!!