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Thursday, August 11, 2016
How to Increase Use of SharePoint in Your Business
If SharePoint has been installed in your business but team members are reluctant to use it, this blog is for you.

Why Are They Not Using SharePoint?

There may be a host of reasons why – despite all of its advantages – some team members are reluctant to get on board.  For example, old habits can be difficult to break, and if team members are already accustomed to managing their tasks through other avenues (email, face-to-face meetings, Skype, etc.), it may be a bit of a challenge to get them familiar with a new system.

When Management Needs to React

As soon as signs of reluctance to use SharePoint appear, it’s time for management to act.  After all, the goal of SharePoint is to streamline collaboration and boost productivity. It requires total buy-in on the part of a business. A tried and true method of action is conduct dedicated training sessions to show and demonstrate SharePoint’s awesomeness. It’s key to reassure them that SharePoint is not their enemy; rather, it’s a fantastically helpful tool for them and the entire business to be more efficient and productive.

Content is King

For practically any SharePoint portal, content is crucial. Ideally, it should keep your team members engaged with the company’s message and mission. You can use the content to promote your company’s values and strengthen your sense of community by simply sharing company news in the corporate newsfeed. Many businesses assign such tasks to their human resources or marketing departments. It’s also critical to provide team members with tools so that they can share their knowledge with the rest of the team. 

Partner with C3IT Solutions to Implement SharePoint Into Your Business

It’s critical to understand that change is often not easily accepted. That’s why a personalized approach from a consultant in integrating SharePoint with your business practices can go a long way towards getting everyone on the same page.  Here at C3IT Solutions, we’re big fans of SharePoint and would be excited to show you how it can be personalized for your business. Get in touch with us for a free consultation. Our number is 800-728-1441 or you can reach us via email

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